Report option to choose add/sal to display from Contact Card (informal vs formal) for Teacher names on Report Cards/Narratives

We want to be able to remove the Mr. Ms. Mrs.(prefix) in front of the teacher names on the narrative reports and report cards.

Consistent with our conversation around gender, the prefixes are unnecessary.

We've been told, the only way to do this is to remove the prefix from the profile. 

I argue, that we should be able to pull the Informal salutation from the contact card rather than the formal. 

Removing the prefix all together will cause a problem as the data flows through Connect RE into Raiser's Edge.

This idea is categorized as user management but could also be listed under Data and Integrations/Connect RE

With your focus on Gender, this would be important to consider!

  • Susan Morgan
  • Jan 31 2018
  • Attach files