Customize Student Profile Display

The top of a student profile lists their name, grad year, email, grade, level, and advisors. We'd like to be able to customize what information we want to display in that section. We use advisory groups for a number of things - academic advisors, deans, college counselors, etc. So it's showing 4 advisors. It's also interesting that this only displays for other teachers. Parents don't see that info in the header for their child's profile, so they have to go to the progress page and scroll down to the advisory groups to see who's who. 

It would be nice if there was a way we could manage the settings for what appears or doesn't appear at that top of profile info section, in a more granular way.

  • Colleen McNeil
  • Mar 1 2018
  • Attach files
  • Claudia Jimenez commented
    October 24, 2024 17:16

    Yes! Please provide more options other than Advisory. We'd like to add deans, college counselors as well.