Address information for emergency contacts now required in Virginia

Our state DSS now requires that we include address information for all listed emergency contacts for our students.  As there no way to include this information with the emergency contacts at present, we will have to track this data outside of Core for our students this year.  Moving forward, it would make more sense for emergency contacts be set up as constituents that do not log in, but that have relationships to the child in questions (Aunt, Sibling, Grandparent, etc) and to be able to include a check-box to show that the person is an emergency contact.  These contacts could also be excluded from bulk email, etc., if necessary.

  • Gretchen Straczewski
  • May 30 2018
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    March 19, 2024 20:07

    When I tried to import emergency contacts, the system blocked the import because I did not specify a user ID for each contact. SO - I didn't think things would get worse before they got better, but they are definitely worse. We now have to collect emergency contacts via a blank form with fields for addresses, then manually enter all the information for each child's emergency contacts into their contact card. The process I listed below no longer works to update contact cards.

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    January 05, 2024 17:36

    Hi there! Any chance this is the year that there are actual improvements made on this?

  • Admin
    Jessi Walters commented
    April 27, 2023 16:17

    Hi all! I wanted to let you know that this work is currently on our list of priorities. We are working to refine the list of requirements that can be met when we take on this project. I don't have a firm timeline for you yet, but want you to know that it's a question of when - not if - the work will be done.

  • Shannon Krise commented
    April 27, 2023 16:02

    This has been a real pain point for us as well. We are currently using a system very similar to the one that Anita outlined below where we collect the information on a blank form including the addresses, and then have to import the emergency contacts. I thought at first that the newly implemented form fields on the emergency contact form would solve this for us, but since they are not linked to each emergency contact entered, we can't really make that work.

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    November 08, 2022 17:56

    So far it looks like 4 states require this field for any school operating a preschool. (Texas also requires this field if you are operating a before or after school program for elementary children.) These are the states mentioned here that require the capture of a physical address for an emergency contact:

    • Hawaii

    • Virginia

    • Minnestoa

    • Texas

  • Guest commented
    August 15, 2022 21:58

    Yes please! This is a requirement in Virginia as well. We are new to Blackbaud and I am trying to figure out how we get this information in a way that will actually be useful. It would be ideal to have address fields added to the Emergency Contacts form.

  • Alicia Kerber commented
    July 26, 2022 18:04

    This is required also in Minnesota. It is a necessary component to abide by government enforced rules. We have found a temporary solution, but it requires more steps for us as administration and for the parents. It also keeps us from connecting it directly to student contact cards.

  • Sarah Hlavacek commented
    July 26, 2022 18:03

    Minnesota also requires this field for licensed preschools

  • Lorrie Neuharth commented
    July 26, 2022 18:01

    Address information for emergency contacts (other than parent) is also required in the state of Minnesota through the Department of Human services daycare licensing.

  • Admin
    Jessi Walters commented
    July 08, 2022 00:31

    Hi there! I wanted to post a note to say that I am looking at addresses for emergency contacts, but we are in the earliest stages of research to fully understand the needs and problems around emergency contacts. I'll be combing through all Ideas that mention Emergency Contacts, so I encourage you to vote on all that apply to your school! I'll also begin reaching out to those who have commented on ideas like this one for additional context and insight, so watch for an email from me!

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    July 07, 2022 19:31

    Any progress on this?

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    April 21, 2022 16:15

    Our process on this is:

    • We have parents complete a Blank Form with fields for all the info we need (we also added the options to select Emergency Contact, Approved Pick Up, or Approved Pick-Up & Emergency Contact).

    • Once the bulk of parents have completed the form at the beginning of the school year, we import the data via Data Import AND we add the relationship field of Approved Pick Up where needed.

    • We have to do an import for the phone and an import for the email, which is totally stupid - but apparently emergency contacts aren't people in this system.

    We can not import the addresses, but the addresses are accessible in the original Blank Form completed by the families that are attached to the student's Files and Forms section.

    (If we need to present the addresses to licensing officials, we have them in the list we can run from the form itself.)

    Since we enroll students all year long, we have to repeat this process on a regular basis to add in the information for the new students.

  • kainani medeiros commented
    January 04, 2022 19:00

    Aloha, Just checking when this will be implemented. Currently we manually input the information and that takes too much time. Would be amazing to have this implemented prior to this next school year and parents filling this online form out.

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    December 09, 2021 15:45

    I have been asking for this for over a year now. Is there any chance this will be implemented?

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    October 25, 2021 17:09

    Seriously a major flaw in the system for any school operating with a preschool or after school child care option. The state of Texas requires that this be maintained for every student that will be in a preschool program or in before/after school care.

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    September 03, 2021 14:26

    I wish I could vote for this 100 times. We are using the blank form option as well so that technically we are in scope with state requirements, but because that information is not accessible through the child's Contact Card with the Emergency Contacts, the rest of our process to access the information is cumbersome and not optimal.

  • kainani medeiros commented
    May 20, 2021 19:34

    Aloha, This is also a requirement in Hawaii. We actually used a blank form for the 2020-2021 school year, but realized it does not update the student's record. We tried to change the format of the emergency card, but once we made it live and assigned it, it did not work. Please find a way to allow us to include addresses for all emergency contacts. Mahalo nui.

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    April 06, 2021 19:35

    Still a major issue for us. Texas requires child care facilities to have the address of the emergency contact on file. It would be great if address fields could be made available before send out the new student welcome info for next year. The current process is very time consuming.

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    January 21, 2021 19:44

    This is becoming a major issue for us. We are having to capture information in a form with fields for the emergency contacts, but these fields are not linked to the Emergency Contacts section of the student profile, and we attach that to the students profile. Then, because all the fields in the file are not available in a report anywhere, we have to manually update the Emergency Contacts in the system to show the name, phone and email. The address itself remains in the static uploaded file. Huge waste of time.

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    October 20, 2020 17:40

    This is a requirement in Texas as well. We need the ability to add the address of emergency contacts.

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