Simplify , Streamline roles

Roles are very difficult to understand and use.

I should be able to:

- start from a clean slate [no tasks]   OR clone any role

- if I clone a role, it should snapshot any tasks that that role has

- At this point, as well, I should be able to choose from ALL tasks and:

                         - I can UNCHECK any tasks that I do not want the new role to have

                         - I can check any tasks that I want to ADD to the role

Consider this example:

- I wanted to add a role that allows users to view [but not edit] the "attendance" tab and the attendance info for a student in the People Finder.

I [we] were unable to do this:   The People Finder shows up, the attendance tab shows up, but you cannot see any data.

The *only* way to see this is to make the person a FULL Attendance Manager.    But this is MORE rights than I want the user to have.  We wanted the user only to be able to SEE the attendance.


  • john ronan
  • Sep 7 2018
  • Attach files