Access School Forms from User Profile

If you open a user's profile from people finder, then go to the files and forms tab, you can see a list of their forms, but you can't do anything with them. These should be links that lead to the actual form, just like the actual school forms module. Otherwise what's the point?

  • Guest
  • Sep 19 2018
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Alex Mendiola commented
    5 Oct, 2021 06:17pm

    Hi All,

    I just confirmed that you can now interact with any incomplete or uploaded forms from the files & forms tab on the profile. If you find that it does not function that way for you, please contact customer support and we will get it fixed for you. :)

  • Stacey Sandvoss commented
    19 Aug, 2021 04:05pm

    Agreed. This does not make sense considering other forms are available here when imported.