We would like the option to limit certain users/roles to a single school level. Admissions staff for the lower school does not need to see upper school applicants, and the extra data just makes it harder to focus on what is relevant. There are some places where this is possible. For example, the Schedule Manager and Award Manager role can be filtered by school level, but not Admissions Manager, ReEnrollment Manager, etc.
We definitely need this so that we can specify who has access to each of our high school levels.
We would also love to be able specify divisions for each role. A Lower School teacher or admin who has access to Grading Manager or Grade Book Manager role does not necessarily need access to Upper School students. Now when a role is given, it’s a role with access to all divisions. It would be great to have the ability to limit the cross divisional access for some roles- not all roles- but to have the option to choose the divisional access assigned for each role.
What would be awesome is that the same divisional distinction could filter other tasks like Attendance Manager or Grading Manager.