Allow schools to override the setting that allows consituents to only list their name in the directory.

We have found that users can list only their names in the directory based on privacy settings in their profile. We would like to have the ability to override this feature as it is not consistent with our school culture or policies. 

  • Guest
  • Oct 12 2018
  • Implemented
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    • Admin
      Jessi Walters commented
      August 08, 2023 13:49

      This can be done via Core>Security>Profile access>Profile publish access.

    • Cristina Conciatori commented
      May 28, 2023 00:58

      While we have the option to change the setting back to the one we want, students often change it back again. We are always having to change it back to the setting we want. We should be able to stop students from changing their settings. We need certain things to be displayed to faculty members and students keep removing their information.

    • Kevin Harig commented
      September 27, 2021 16:11

      Our students have caught on to this setting and are making life difficult on some folks. It would be very nice if this option could be set per role as the rest of the driectory settings are. Thanks!

    • Corrine Duncan commented
      September 21, 2021 19:57

      Also just noticed this has been something that has been in this portal for almost 3 years now. If it is still getting comments or added to then could be something that could be a great plus and bonus.

    • Corrine Duncan commented
      September 21, 2021 19:55

      This would be very helpful if we could restrict our students and faculty or at least have some granular access as to what roles can adjust as it does cause a bigger issue and cause additional work and in a last minute way (usually because an administrator or teacher needs to access that information asap) and when correcting the settings it takes 24 hours it seems to affect the change in the directories.

    • Oona McKnight commented
      December 06, 2019 22:11

      One major problem with this feature is that when parents or students select it, teachers cannot see their contact info in the Directory or via the roster. (the only way is to give them access to People Finder in Academics and remind them to use that instead) 

      Would love to be able to disable this checkbox!

    • Guest commented
      October 12, 2018 16:05

      This is a feature a number of schools have brought up to me before, and I can see why they'd want it, as it'd be very useful.