Enable sending of email or SMS notifications at the group level

Right now, the only way you can send a group page notification is by creating an individual content element.  You can use the notification template URL placeholder,  which will insert a link for that specific element only.  You can also type in your ON instance URL,  but that lands parents on the home page with the kids' schedule - the parent then still has to navigate to the group the notification came from.  


Would really like to be able to create an email or text notification at the group level,  with a URL placeholder that will bring parent directly to group page after login.   


For classes that post multiple news stories and announcements in a day or a week,  it would be great if the faculty could send the parent one notification saying something like "Please check Homeroom - Grade 4 class for updates" and then the URL for the group page. 

  • Karintha Marshall
  • Nov 7 2018
  • Attach files