Apply Arbitrary List of Records to Reports or Lists

If I need to print some information for, say, 30 students, there is no way to gather those students short of putting a complicated filter into a list.   It gets even more complicated by the fact that you have to have criteria such as:

  (last name = 'Smith' and first name = 'John') OR (last name = 'jones' and first name = 'shirley')  

Notice the parentheses.  very complex. not something that a general staffer can do.

At very least, we need a way to choose the student's FULL name so we don't need to have this complex equation.

More generally, we need to be able to apply a list of records to another list.


The idea of having the right SKY list for everyone's needs is unrealistic.  We need a general user-can-do mechanism.

  • john ronan
  • Dec 17 2018
  • Attach files