Bring back "Edit User Profile" page

With today's feature updates (03/06/2019), a critical page has been removed, namely the view you have of a user when finding them from Core > Users > Edit User Profile.  

I've found this page to be invaluable - an admin can use it to accomplish a large amount of tasks from one location (as opposed to hunting/navigating for those tasks in a user's People Finder record). 

Most of my users are using People Finder for most tasks, but the Edit User Profile page was used by our more "power" users and it's a shame that it's gone. 

I'm all for change and updates to the BBK12 products that increase efficiency, but this one feels like a step in the wrong direction. 

  • Matt Lipstein
  • Mar 6 2019
  • Unlikely to implement
  • Attach files
  • Matt Lipstein commented
    7 Mar, 2019 03:39pm

    Hi Janet and thanks for you reply. I'm encouraged about the multi-select race and more gender options coming to fruition (many of us have been hoping for those for a long time). Is it possible to consider a new page (maybe accessible to platform managers only) that can act as a clearinghouse for many user related tasks (similar to the Edit User Profile page)? 

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    7 Mar, 2019 02:10pm

    Hi Matt, I'm sorry if this change caught you off guard.  There is a community post in the forum here if you want to join in the conversation to make People Finder and Core Profile better.  We won't be going backwards at this point. It was an important step to eliminate our older profile version so we can move forward with enhancements to demographics such as multi-select race or more gender options.