A couple of things I think fall under this topic in terms of this idea:
1) Pulling parent/child relationships or peer/peer relationships in a predetermined order without duplication doesn't seem achievable.
If I display two column sets, for instance, and I want parent 1 in 1 column and parent 2 in another:
So the idea here is to make the advanced lists able to couple ordinal with a specific type of relationship. Ability to sort by gender on relationships would be amazing also.
2) Displaying data from multiple child objects is a challenge. I can only get 2 child objects deep before the list times out. For example, I built a list with student user base, then parent/child relationship as a child object. under parent child object I had user base, phone, and address objects. I could extract parent user base data and parent phone data, but addresses as a separate object was too much, the list timed out.
3) We should be able to output multiple course enrollments for a student without duplicating rows.