Create address types

I would like to be able to create new address type we have residential students and need to emergency contact information it would be helpful to have current address and previous address as options

  • Guest
  • Nov 12 2019
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  • Guest commented
    December 13, 2024 16:21

    I would like to be able to create new address types as a selection in the dropdown. We have international students that live with local families while attending our school and I would like to capture their home address from their home country but also add their host family address and be able to have it coded as Host Family Address instead of home 2. I would also like to keep a history of addresses so having current and previous or being able to mark an address as inactive and hide it would be very beneficial. Please look into these options as I am sure many people will find this very helpful. I am finding that Blackbaud does not have as many capabilities as other companies at this time and it is very frustrating.

  • S Long commented
    April 07, 2022 20:26

    At times we do not want to delete an address from a profile for historical reasons, at those times having a type labeled INACTIVE would be helpful and it doesn't have to be one that gets included in the report choices.