Allow courses in progress on new transcript builder

College application progress requires generating transcripts in the first quarter; the new transcript builder does not have an effective means of including courses in progress on the transcript (selecting "show all courses regardless of grades etc) is not an effective remedy as this option results in listing p/f courses in the letter grade section without grades and duplicating them in the p/f grade section. 

  • Martha Erskine
  • Nov 19 2019
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    15 Jan 10:00pm

    I echo these concerns - not only is this a requirement but it's impossible for an admissions officer to judge the rigor of a student's upcoming semester without some indication of which classes will be continuing vs. not. Ideally need to be able to add an "in progress" label to the area where a grade will ultimately be posted upon completion of the course. We also migrated everything to Blackbaud are now stuck without a fix for this application season. Please prioritize! Thank you.

  • Trevor Irizarry commented
    3 Sep, 2024 05:58pm

    Listing the courses in progress is required for application purposes. Especially for sports and college applications. We cannot use the new builder until this is fixed. Going on 5 years now.

  • Brian LeBlanc commented
    27 Jun, 2024 10:44pm

    Echoing all of the above messages - this is basic functionality that simply must be implemented ASAP. It is not feasible to have to work around this limitation given how prevalent the Common App is. This should be as simple as including a toggle switch. It's beyond words that this idea, and the new builder itself, is almost five years old at this point and this functionality still does not exist.

  • Kristi Romanik commented
    5 Feb, 2024 12:51am

    Courses in progress are crucial and manually manipulating our terms every time a transcript is run is not efficient. This functionality from the old builder is very much needed ASAP.

  • Dee Wright commented
    2 Jan, 2024 06:20pm

    Courses in progress with grades is imperative for seniors when they are applying to colleges. This feature would be extremely helpful to have and should be considered as a priority.

  • Rachael Moscato commented
    12 Oct, 2023 10:34pm

    Courses in progress is a REQUIREMENT for all seniors applying to college using the Common App.

    We just moved to the new transcript and dedicated numerous workdays to ensuring it lists everything that the Old transcript did. Very tedious. It is EXTREMELY dissapointing that there is no option to list "Courses In Progress" for the FULL year like the old transcript did.

    The following options do NOT work:

    Student -Term Enrollment- lists ONLY by semester; Common App needs full year

    New Transcript Builder (list all courses not graded)- Lists a DELUGE of courses we do not want listed (including p/f courses, PE etc) that we don't want on there for ALL 4 YEARS. We just need for senior year academic classes.

    Blackbaud, please consider updating this/adding these options on the New Transcript as well as offer FULL ACADEMIC YEAR for Student- Term Enrollments.

    For others considering the New Transcript- I do not recommend moving to the new transcript before Blackbaud addresses this issue if you are a school with 12th grade.

    Please see the attachment of a screenshot of the Common App where I've highlighted this requirement. MOST students in the U.S. use the Common App to apply to college. Thank you.

  • Kirsten Mayers commented
    12 Oct, 2023 06:03pm

    Will not move to new transcript builder without this feature

  • Grace Rios commented
    6 Oct, 2023 05:01pm

    This feature is impertive and should be included. I am in agreement with everyone's comments. This is one major reason we have not transitioned to the new transcript builder. Courses in pogress are essential on transcripts that we send with college applications and in addition we have replied on this information displaying on transcripts for all of our students - it is the document we rely on when meeting with students to review their course progress.

  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    6 Oct, 2023 04:47pm

    Our Registrar refuses to move to the new transcript builder until it shows courses in progress! Our college counseling office absolutely won't use it if they can't produce a transcript before there are any grades associated with the courses.

    Thanks for considering pusing this up the priority list!

  • Guest commented
    11 Jul, 2023 04:20pm

    Hi Blackbaud team, I'm going to try to be the squeaky wheel on this idea. I hope this is planned for this year

  • Rachael Garcia commented
    7 Mar, 2023 04:20pm

    We will not use the new transcript builder until "courses in progress" feature is available.

  • Carla Fox commented
    4 Nov, 2022 02:22pm

    PLEASE add "courses in progress" n the new transcript builder. This is vital information for counselors when they are sending senior transcripts to colleges in the 1st semester. I'm quite surprised this isn't already available. Until this happens (hopefully sooner rather than later), we will be forced to continue to use the old transcript builder.

  • Guest commented
    31 Oct, 2022 04:27pm

    Hi Blackbaud Team, please push this idea up in priority. We cannot use the new transcript builder when sending out transcripts for college applications because of this issue. A separate "courses in progress" block, which includes 2nd semester courses, would work great—this is how it is shown on the old transcript builder.