Student Worklist and Profile Publish Permissions to Fields

Is it possible for the Student Worklist to follow the profile publish access for student information?


We have published the student information to the non-teaching staff and teacher roles appropriate to what they should be able to see for a child including the ethnicity/race and religion. Parents self-identify that information with the School and share it understanding that keep it confidential. We use it to get numbers, but we do not share name to self-identification.


In the past, we have had limited Platform Managers/List Admins and have protected the information through advanced lists through specific sharing.


The Student Worklist, however, can be created by a series of roles and the same Manager who cannot see the ethnicity/religion/etc on a child's Academic People Finder Contact Card can now run a worklist with that information for all students.



  • Danielle Keeney
  • Jan 23 2020
  • Attach files