Development of a daily COVID-19 screening app that will interface with the SIS & SWS?

We are a BB school and hopeful that BB will develop a tool for daily use to allow employees and parents (on behalf of their students) to self-screen symptoms of COVID-19 and report the results before entering the school campus.

  • Guest
  • Jun 25 2020
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  • Angela Addison commented
    13 Aug, 2021 03:12pm

    Hi all, curious how many schools are doing temp checks on students themselves as they come on campus and recording that or is it more common to just ask parents to submit a record of doing it at home daily? I heard the ask a couple times this week for the ability to track this while doing attendance so just vetting ideas here.

  • Morgan Kunze commented
    12 Aug, 2021 01:14am

    We have been using MyMedBot, but we'd love to keep both symptom screening and vaccination tracking "in-house," both for data health and to make it easy for parents, students, and staff to comply. Something as simple as a re-useable form?

  • Guest commented
    20 Oct, 2020 09:45pm

    yes, please! This will be so very helpful, otherwise we need to look elsewhere for an app.

  • Hannah Wheeler commented
    23 Sep, 2020 05:25pm

    This would be so nice to have directly in BB. Right now we use VisitU which integrates to a certain extent. But it is a little more than we need. Would be nice id BB had a similar "survey" feature.