In this pandemic situation it may be helpful to be able to immediately sort on the kids that are Online only and not Day students that are coming to campus and leaving nor the boarder that is living in the dorm. Ultimately these students are boarders that are just not with us right now, though there could be exceptions to that if a local day student cannot come to campus for a semester for personal health reasons, for example.
This issue is over 4 years old! Pleeeeease provide your school's workaround to help others. I have encountered the same obstacle. A "Temporary Day Address", would be helpful. There are times of the year, (other than Summer/ Winter) that a different residing address applies and yet there is nowhere in the system that allows us to record this. Thank you!
I agree with this idea. We currently are hosting Hurricane students from other schools and do so year after year and would like to have an option to select so they are not counted in our total enrollment and are easy to spot when we run student reports. The option needs to be all encompassing other than virtual or remote. Visiting Student?
Agree totally that adding options to this list would be tremendously helpful. We have Hybrid Learners (students that are in person several days a week but remote the remaining) and Remote Learners as well. These are significantly different classifications that often have enrollment and financial implications.
A third of our student body does not fall under either board or day. Adding a third option of Online would be very helpful, or giving us the ability to add it ourselves.
Could be called Virtual or Remote as well - just something since our school will be boarding ad virtual only. Would be helpful for this to be viewable on the roster as well.