Make Import of Test Scores Consistent with other Imports

The import of test scores is very quirky and inconsistent with the other imports:

  1. There is no "File Layout Help", so there's no way to know exactly what is required. [and the file template that is provided doesn't help with this. e.g. in my experience, one must include "proctor_id", but that's not stated anywhere

  2. Once you run a job, you cannot recall the actual file that was loaded as in other imports. This is very useful if one wants to build an import similar to previous ones.

  3. If there are any exceptions, it does not seem to record the job in the jobs list. [actually, none of the previous three jobs got logged].

  4. The tests preview list is cute but, again, inconsistent with all the other imports. Either do it with one or with all.

  • john ronan
  • Jul 29 2020
  • Attach files
  • Matthew Poirier commented
    January 07, 2021 15:20

    In addition to all of the above, please allow for multiple subtests to be imported at the same time in multiple columns. Every piece of testing data that we get has each test score in a column, and only one row for each kid. The fact that we have to convert this all into multiple rows and/or files seems bizarre.