Add the ability to display Room Code and Room Type in lists and reports

There is currently no way to pull this information through Static Reports, Sky lists or advanced lists.

  • Guest
  • Aug 3 2020
  • Attach files
  • Amanda Shows commented
    25 Oct, 2022 03:29pm

    This is ridiculous! There is no reason to add this data to the system if you cannot pull it out. What kind of software is this? The kind that holds your data hostage?

  • Guest commented
    20 May, 2021 05:47pm

    would also like ability to pull the information put on courses that are used by the Generate Master Schedule - the schedule tab fields showing the teachers, blocks and rooms listed on a course to use when auto scheduling. There is currently no way to do via advanced queries or reports.

  • Angie pochuski commented
    3 Aug, 2020 03:54pm

    Yes, please! Why bother entering this info into the system unless I can pull it out into a table and/or report?