PLease add a role that allows access to the student work lists without having to grant Platform manager.

Since Platform managers can grant themselves additional rights, it would make sense to take the user work lists out of Platform manager and create a role just for lists.

  • Kyle Collins
  • Aug 13 2020
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Kyle Collins commented
    14 Aug, 2020 12:45pm

    Great, That would be something that should be disseminated to the support people so they can tell us when we call them. Right? The only reason I created this idea was because support said it wasn't possible.

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    14 Aug, 2020 12:22pm

    Good news - the student worklist task is available in the SKY Reporting role, where you can clone and disable any other lists/dashboards you don't need. Add the cloned SKY Reporting role to the user.