I would like "Add a User" to be put back under the Users tab

Before when we needed to add a new user we just clicked User, Add User. Now the only way to add a user is from the Core home screen and then click Add a new user under tasks. The information that is entered here is very much limited to what it was before. Now we have to click someplace else to create username and add password. This used to be under one screen.

  • Elizabeth Junell
  • Nov 13 2020
  • Attach files
  • Reshma Berryman commented
    November 24, 2020 22:05

    Hi Janet,

    I use Add a User all the time through out the school year. Here are some examples

    1. We add 2 - 15 new students and their families after we are done with the official enrollment in the spring. This continues through out the summer but at different times. Once the forms are signed I am asked to add them into the SIS. We do not use your enrollment management solutions so I either import them in a big batch during enrollment season or add them in one by one after that.

    2. We are constantly adding new employees as they are hired. This is normally done one at a time. I do not see the Access Tab??? Is that because we do not use Blackbaud id?? If this is going to be an issue I would really I like to talk to you so that we can come up with a solution

    3. We add new coaches at the beginning of each season. I like that I am able to add some employment information when I first create the account.

    Let me know if you would like to discuss this further.


  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    November 13, 2020 17:45

    Hi there,

    It would be very helpful to have some context of the type of users you add this way, and how many you tend to add at one time. Our assumption was that if you are adding an employee, by landing on the Access tab you can click into Employment to add the remaining detail. We also assume that if you have more than... 10?... users you would choose to do a data import.

    We certainly want to make adding employees and others smoother in the future. This was the first step in that progress with the intentional change to make using username and password at little less convenient. We hope you will choose to start to connect users with Blackbaud ID, since that will eventually be required for all users.