Allow brother-sister schools to share users

We have 2 common schools that have unique blackboard K-12 databases, a brother and sister school. Since all K-12 user IDs are unique, is there a way that Blackbaud could bridge the two schools so teachers, coaches and students working in both schools could use their original ID rather than creating and managing dual IDs in the other school?

  • Jim Robb
  • Jul 30 2015
  • Attach files
  • Jim Robb commented
    7 Jul, 2021 07:42pm


    Yes we are on BBID for the students, teachers and staff and parents. The teachers and students in the Upper School use BBID to sign-in at both schools (boy and girl) and that works well. Credentials are not the issue, rather that they have to be enrolled/employed at both schools, creating two sets of user ids. Upper School students can take classes at either campus. The host school posts assignments in the host class, classes have to exist on both campuses, but the grades must be split by campus and the gradebook is essentially only at the host school.

    A parent could potentially have students in several Blackbaud schools, but each school has to have and use a unique User ID. It would be great if one user ID could also be used at any Blackbaud school.

    Does that make sense?

  • Angela Addison commented
    7 Jul, 2021 02:14pm

    Hi there, are you on BBID yet? If the problem you're trying to solve is the users not having to maintain multiple credentials that should do it I think? If not let me know if you want to discuss the pain points further.

  • Jim Robb commented
    1 Nov, 2016 07:28pm

    Anybody have thoughts on this? C'mon! Need some votes.