Official Note: Save & Email Notification Team Button!!!

If an Official Note is created with the intent of requiring approval, it usually contains important information that needs to be shared with the Monitoring Team.

Right now, the Monitoring Team only becomes aware that approval (or denial) has been granted IF the person approving selects save then email.

It would be much easier if the default setting upon approval/denial of an official note was to email or make the button Save & Email Monitoring Team.

The whole purpose of the Monitoring Team is to share information AND to make sure everyone is on the same page. Why the default is not set to automatically email is mind boggling to me.

Non-academic staff rely on the ability to receive information in real-time and as part of the Monitoring Team NEED to receive an email notification once an Official Note is approved.

Lastly, in my humble opinion, please have the buttons go left to right in order of importance; putting exit first seems silly as it most likely would be the last thing you would do.

  • Lee Matteson
  • Jun 8 2021
  • Attach files