Redirect inactive Blackbaud windows and tabs that have timed out

While students and teachers need to fix our bad habit of leaving old internet tabs and windows open, Blackbaud also needs to fix how it manages inactive webpages. Please start treating timed out webpages like a bank by logging it out and redirecting it to the school's home page.

As it is, students have been losing work that they submit and Assessments that the system even marks as "Completed". Teachers are losing curriculum and grades that they've entered. It's all due to accounts that have been timed out, but the user is unaware of this when they open a new Blackbaud window. It still functions and allows them to click through courses. They have no idea that website won't work on some features or save any work. In most cases, they aren't even notified that they lost what they saved or that they need to log back in.

Blackbaud could prevent all of this by just ending the account's session on old, inactive webpages.

  • anson kendall
  • Jun 11 2021
  • Attach files