List un-processed users when inviting users to Blackbaud ID authentication

Provide a list or report that displays the un-processed users when inviting/re-inviting from Security > Blackbaud ID Authentication.

  • Machele Jameson
  • Jul 21 2021
  • Attach files
  • Machele Jameson commented
    September 19, 2022 20:35


    When sending invites to users in bulk there were a few that the system did
    not process or send an invite to. The request is to receive some sort of
    notification or list that we can follow up on to see why the system did not
    sent them a Blackbaud Invitation.

    [image: photo]
    *Machelle Jameson*
    Technology Director
    Dowling Catholic High School | 1400 Buffalo Rd., West Des Moines, IA

    515.222.1 <515.225.3000>072 |

  • Admin
    Jessica Walters commented
    September 19, 2022 18:38

    Hey Machele! I'm Jessi, the new Product Manager for Core. Can you tell me what you mean by "un-processed users?" The Blackbaud ID authentication page already separates users into Registered, Awaiting Response, and Unregistered users. How are un-processed users different from Unregistered users? Thanks!