When grading a specific assignment under the assignments tab, the old version would show the student's names, their grade, and the date of submission with their name. The teacher could easly see which student had submitted the assignment and what they submitted very quickly. Now you can only see who has submitted the assignment in bulk in the grade book (but without dates) - and in a different tab, see what the students actually submitted. I would like to see the submission dates, the grades in bulk, and easily see the work submitted all in one area. See attached.
My teachers are giving me much grief about this.
They have as many as 37 students in a class and this change has hindered them tremendously.
Moreover, it used to indicate if a student was absent for a day. That is now gone, too.
So now a teacher needs to open two screens to check on whether a student was absent or late to school during an assignment.
Having to hover over each student's icon to see the date of submission is an extra step for a teacher. Having the actual date visible was much more user friendly for busy teachers. Please restore the submissions dates or at least give a teacher the option of displaying the submission date or the icon.