We'd like the ability to update a pdf that a pushpage links to after the pushpage is sent out.

Our pushpages often link to pdfs. Sometimes we need to change the content of those pdfs after the pushpage has been sent out. At this time, the only way to do this is to send out another pushpage with a new pdf link. It would be great if we had the ability to edit the pdf document after the pushpage has been sent out.

  • Guest
  • Aug 13 2021
  • Attach files
  • Troy Burki commented
    August 16, 2021 15:39

    I believe you can actually do this if you add the file via additional content types in Core. We've done this a few times for different files/forms linked on our website that needed to be updated. You can go into the particular file listing and switch out the pdf but the link will preserved.