Allow exporting the full list of meeting times per group id

It is currently possible to export the full list of groups and their block schedules, using advanced lists. The resulting CSV data can contain every field required to reproduce a cycle's schedule, including a group id and a block title or block id, given the school is using block scheduling.

But as soon as a school uses "Random" scheduling, their rotating schedule becomes opaque to the outside. There should be a way to export CSV data containing the cycle day (number or day of week), the start time and the end time of every course group, with at least a group id, so we can cross that info with other reports or lists.

If the current implementation doesn't expose a notion of cycle day, it should be at least possible to export the same list for a given date range. There is a report that exposes meeting times, but it lacks, amongst other things, a group id column. It only exposes human-readable information.

  • Martin Plante
  • Sep 17 2021
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • john ronan commented
      October 01, 2021 15:18


      Great "idea". This is an example where BB started ignoring and/or not updating advanced lists.