It is currently possible to export the full list of groups and their block schedules, using advanced lists. The resulting CSV data can contain every field required to reproduce a cycle's schedule, including a group id and a block title or block id, given the school is using block scheduling.
But as soon as a school uses "Random" scheduling, their rotating schedule becomes opaque to the outside. There should be a way to export CSV data containing the cycle day (number or day of week), the start time and the end time of every course group, with at least a group id, so we can cross that info with other reports or lists.
If the current implementation doesn't expose a notion of cycle day, it should be at least possible to export the same list for a given date range. There is a report that exposes meeting times, but it lacks, amongst other things, a group id column. It only exposes human-readable information.
Great "idea". This is an example where BB started ignoring and/or not updating advanced lists.