Check settings on save to prevent 'impossible to complete'/ 'messy' school forms

Currently, I am aware of two different setups on School Forms that can cause a serious issue. There should be some format checking (maybe on save) to prevent these cases:

Both are related to:

When the recipient of the School Form is 'User', and sent to parents, and not 'User Regarding'/ sent to the parent 'regarding' the student

1) When the 'Parent Signature' block is included in the School Form, it is impossible to complete. The system is looking for the parent's parent. Even if the grandparent were in the system, they wouldn't have access to the form.

2) When the 'Household' block is included in the School Form, when a Parent goes to fill it out, they will end up creating a single new user that will display as their parent. This is likely never an intended outcome, and is 'messy'.

Please consider coding some checks (on saving a School Form) to prevent these configurations.

  • Joe St.Clair
  • Sep 30 2021
  • Attach files