After completing the setup of a Grade Plan Group in School Year Setup, it would be nice to be able to run a report that lists how the grade plan(s) are set up - to check for errors. The school uses dozens of grade plan groups with dozens of assessment skills and currently, we have to click into each one and view on-screen to check the setup for completeness/errors. It would be great if there was a report that listed everything that is defined in the Grade Plan Details of a Grade Plan Group in School Year Setup. Ideally, the report would have the ability to filter by School Year, Group Type, School level, Grade Plan, and Grade Plan Group (and ability to run for all groups or one specific group).
For example, a report that shows all grade plan details defined for 2021-2022, Academics, Lower School, Trimester 1. There are usually many people involved in the creation of different areas of assessment (usually for specific subjects only) and it would be great to give them a report back to review for their subject area(s) after the setup is complete, which can vary from year-to-year of course, and before opening up access to faculty.