Restricting Non-Custodial Parent Access

I would like to be able to limit access for some parents that are not the Students' legal guardians so they are able to see grades, schedules, etc. but cannot edit their student's information. The custodial parent doesn't want their ex-spouse to be able to change the student information but they need to be able to see grades, schedules, etc.
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  • Aug 27 2015
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    Jessi Walters commented
    16 Sep, 2022 02:20am

    Hi, Morgan. Alex is no longer with Blackbaud. Unfortunately, it is not actually possible to clone the constituent roles (like parent). The Core team is currently working on the first of several updates to the way roles and tasks are managed in the system. While this is not currently planned with the most immediate work, we are certainly considering all the ways that schools need to be able to control who is able to access and edit which information. Thank you for your feedback.

  • Scott Yoshimura commented
    15 Sep, 2022 05:43pm

    Alex, how does one clone the Parent role? I don't see it in the list of options. Also, how would one assign a cloned Parent role?

  • Morgan Kunze commented
    2 Dec, 2021 06:35pm

    Hi @Alex, I wanted to jump in and request that as you look at parental access questions, please consider how the "data collection" fields in the enrollment application map onto the relationships in Core. I was disappointed to learn that the info shared by parents when applying doesn't translate into the contact card. You can see my request posted to the EMS board here.

  • Alex Mendiola commented
    8 Sep, 2021 02:56pm

    Hi Jeff and Margaret,

    I am the Product Manager for K12 Core. While the role of Non-Custodial Parent is not currently an included role in K12, schools do have the ability to clone the parent role and then customize what they are able to view and edit in Core>Security>Profile Access>Profile Relationship Access. In your particular situations, you could potentially assign the parent this cloned role and remove the ability to edit any student information. Please let me know if you've already tried this and it still does not solve your problem. I'm happy to discuss other options as well.

  • Jeff Bingham commented
    2 Sep, 2021 09:06pm

    I see this issue raised over 6 years ago. Margaret's comment from 2020 remains salient: a new role of "non custodial parent" would be of great benefit in managing this issue. There has to be a good way to address this in the system without creating a disruption for the school and majority of family scenarios.

  • Margaret Bell commented
    4 Nov, 2020 06:06pm

    We currently have two families like this and because one parent keeps changing her daughter's emergency contact information, the custodial parent is now having to get his lawyers involved. This would help immensely. Maybe create a new role called Non-Custodial Parent with view only access.

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