Be able to give course recommendations without students able to see them.

It would be nice, as teachers are working on the Course Recommendation process that it is a little bit more separated from the Course Request so that you can set times for Course Recommendations to be made ahead of students doing course requests. AND for there to be a way to do those Course Recommendations without them being immediately visible to students. There should be a switch we can flip when those recommendations are ready for students to see.

  • Melissa Battis
  • Jan 12 2022
  • Attach files
  • Pam Foster commented
    6 Apr, 2022 02:52pm

    As a workaround, we remove all rights to Online Signup in Core, Security, Roles for the Student role and Parent role. It would be nice to not have to remember to toggle those rights since there is so much to do at this time of year.

  • Angela Kunz commented
    1 Feb, 2022 06:47pm

    Your right this would be a great add. Currently I need to make the view date the date I want teachers to add recommendations and turn off On Line sign up in core. Then when everything is set I turn off the teachers ability in core for course recommendations and switch the date of when the student should be seeing them. Then I turn the students on Line sign up back on. It would be nice to have a date for when teachers can start recommending then the students can view them. Teachers need to recommend for every course in our school that has a pre requisite because there are multiple entry pathways to the course and the system isn't set up for and/or logic.