Differentiate title tags for Resource Board tiles for easier tracking in Google Analytics

Currently, when looking in Google Analytics, Resource Board tile traffic is difficult to distinguish. Having a way to differentiate the title tags for each Resource Board tile so that it can be more easily tracked in Google Analytics would allow for schools to make more informed decisions regarding their content.

  • Michael Morrissette
  • Apr 14 2022
  • Attach files
  • Charisse Broderick King commented
    June 14, 2022 14:37

    The majority of our on campus traffic is directed to our Resource Boards, so being able to analyze traffic and usage more readily will help us with optimization. The custom title tags would be a big help in this effort.

  • Traci Holinger commented
    June 10, 2022 18:56

    We would like to be able to add custom title tags to Resource Board Detail pages. We want to be able to see which resource board pages are getting the most traffic, but it is very difficult to distinguish between these pages in Google Analytics, because the title tags on all resource board detail pages is the same (Parent : Resource Board) and the URLs are very generic—( /app/parent#resourceboarddetail/123456). Being able to add custom title tags to resource board detail pages would solve this problem.