Exceptions for Filling Out Forms

We have a constituent with the last name "Polack". They are not able to fill out any registration forms that are posted to our community because this is considered an offensive word. The "work-around" for this is ridiculous because either we have to fill out the form for them, or we have to create a separate form just for this family for the next 10-15 years. There should be a way to allow this work for this family.

  • Michele LeHeup
  • Feb 17 2023
  • Attach files
  • Chrystalle Kiefer commented
    30 Mar, 2023 11:45am

    We have the last name "Tard" that the system finds offensive..these people aren't going to change their last name

  • Brian LeBlanc commented
    22 Feb, 2023 04:04pm

    We have also had this problem with families whose last name are on a blacklist, such as Reefer and Porn. It gives a very poor impression of the school to need to continually work around a blacklist that we have no control or access to change.