Description of Membership Roles

I'm sure I am not the only one who would find it helpful to have a list of all the membership roles and a description of each. As the Platform Manager, I am responsible to assign our teachers/staff membership roles and I want to be confident in what I am giving them access to. Thanks!

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  • Aug 17 2023
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    Jessica Walters commented
    August 22, 2023 16:38

    Hi there! I'm curious what kind of summary information would be helpful about a role. There are newly-released columns in the list of Roles that will show which products/personas are enabled by a role, and there is a column that shows which domains (or features) are enabled by tasks in the role. Do those help at all? What else do you need to know? Also, since schools can disable some or all tasks in any of those roles, what would you expect a role summary to contain or look like? Any detail you can share helps me understand what you're imagining. Thanks!