Pushpage editor bulleted list not displaying correctly

Please correct the display/indents for the bulleted list in the pushpage editor. The bullet point list currently does not indent.

  • Amanda Polson
  • Aug 25 2023
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jessi Walters commented
    25 Oct, 2023 07:13pm

    Please report your issue to support regarding bulleting; I'm not able to replicate an issue with bulleting. I will close this as "Already exists" since any issue would be a bug instead of an enhancement request. Regarding header styling, we are exploring new email and mass communication options for modern comms, but we do not expect to modernize the existing Pushpage tool. Watch the Product Update Briefing in November to learn more!

  • Amanda Polson commented
    25 Aug, 2023 11:29pm

    Also, there is an H3 option in the editor, but it is not possible to style this.

    Please add all the options to the CSS style settings!