Blackbaud ID troubleshooting tools

Platform managers need to have better visibility into BBID. There is very little to help us with troubleshooting BBID login issues. The email address, status, and enable/disabled information on the constituent record. It would be helpful to know a little more when attempting to troubleshoot these issues. The following are a couple of suggestions:

1) Add an indicator on the Access tab of the user account if the BBID is associated with a Google or Apple account.

2) Add an indicator on the Access tab of the user account to see if MFA is enabled and the method used (SMS/Authenticator App)

3) Be a little more verbose on the Login History so we can have a clue where the issue lies.

4) Have a refresh status button to retrieve the latest status and update items 1, 2, and 3 above.

For our SSO accounts this whole thing is moot, but for the parents who do not sign in with our SSO, and don't login regularly this would be a lot of help.

Additionally, BB Support should have the ability to reset BBID accounts that are not associated with an organization with the authorization/permission of the end user.

1) disconnect from Apple ID

2) disconnect from Google

I've had situations where the parent had a student at another school that used Blackbaud, the parent couldn't remember connecting the account to Google (a non-Gmail address) and had not way to recover it. After a long effort to help her, the only thing I could do what have her create a new email address and use it to login.

  • Gregg
  • Oct 23 2023
  • Attach files
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    • Jeff Harrison commented
      October 10, 2024 18:20

      Blackbaud IDs for parent where they already have an ID from another school are an absolute nightmare. Almost 19% of our new parents have had issues due to this. A number of them ended up just using a different email address in frustration. If Blackbaud is going to leave us to try to find solutions for their issues we should at least have the tools to help resolve the issues.