Create a useful K-12 status page with a list of currently broken features

Schools need a way to quickly identify known issues (broken features from weekly updates) without waiting an hour on the phone for support just to tell us that BB agrees there is a problem that has been sent to development. A simple page with known problems would save us all a great deal of time and frustration.

  • Annemarie Merow
  • Feb 14 2024
  • Attach files
  • Stephen Alonso commented
    13 Mar, 2024 04:18pm

    I don't understand why this is even on this page. The status page should show the status of the products. There was just an outage with our Blackbaud solution and when I spoke with support they knew about the outage, but the status page didn't mention anything. I understand if they didn't know about the issue yet, but they clearly did and didn't update the status page. Even Microsoft shows all the problems currently going on and then you can report if you are experiencing the reported issue. Maybe one day the status page will actually show the status.

  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    14 Feb, 2024 05:48pm

    This would be so very helpful! Even when not all schools are affected by an issue, it would be good to know that there is an active issue, along with steps each school can take to quickly test whether or not they are affected by it.

    A status page could also serve to quickly gather data for Blackbaud about which schools are affected. I wonder if it's possible to create some sort of self-reporting tool on the page, like a button that allows you to enter the name of your school to report that you are experiencing the active issue. Then we wouldn't have to wait for and rely on Support to exchange this information.

  • Seth Battis commented
    14 Feb, 2024 05:04pm

    And, on such a status page, if there is an option to subscribe for status updates, then the subscription should actually work. As opposed to the status quo, where no status update has ever been sent to any subscriber. Ever.

  • Mathieu Farrugia commented
    14 Feb, 2024 04:42pm

    1000% agree. I have mentioned this several times to support, product managers, CSMs, account reps, etc. Not only would it help schools troubleshoot, but also save on support resources. Especially important for West Coast schools since support ends at 3pm PST and with hours left in our workday there is no way for us to know if an issue we are experiencing is a known issue or if we should spend our precious time to document and report it.

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