We want to know more about Blackbaud.com > Admin!
We realize this isn't restricted to K-12 Core, but many of us are both Core Platform Managers and BB.com Admins who are struggling a bit to understand how the BB.com Admin areas are meant to be used, and what the best practices are for using them.
We would love a webinar covering:
An overview of each area: Admin, Home, Billing, Security, Settings (maybe more?)
How are 'Admin' and 'Home' different
What happens if I designate someone else as the Primary Billing Contact
Deep dive into Security > User & Role Management
What is the difference between an Organization Admin and an Environmental Admin
Best practices for User & Role management
Common pitfalls
Friends and neighbors, if you're reading this, please add a comment with questions you'd like answered or examples of things you don't understand!
In the NXT transition, i would appreciate more resources on the similarities/differences between how permissions were handled in database view (for RE and FE) and how best to utilize the blackbaud.com Roles for these solutions. And, provide better documentation for the BEM transition should it occur in a similar way.
Under Security > Roles - The Support Role can be assigned to users to allow them to contact support; however, users seem to be automatically granted access to support once added. What is the point of the Support Role?