Ability to remove "Playing Fields" text from home athletic events
I would like to be able to remove Playing Fields from Home athletic events on the calendar.
For example, if we go to the back end calendar and click on August 8th, this Location says Playing Fields before the name of the place.
I would like this removed or to have the option to remove this.
It looks like this idea (K12CO-I-45) needs to be merged with these other ones:
They all request to be able to remove "playing fields" as prefix to home athletic venues/ locations so that they do not appear listed as such on the calendar or to be able to rename that field as needed. (We are redesigning the school website and this is one of the top requests for the athletics web page.) Thanks.
It's crazy that it's been 3 years and this still can't be removed or changed to something like "Location:" or "Venue:". I am a new user and have not been happy with the lack of flexibility on multiple levels from Blackbaud.
Agreed! Not all athletic event locations are "playing fields" and this shouldn't be automatically appended as it just confuses the end user.