Length of Course abbreviation in Grading tab

We want to abbreviate a course to Engineering, but the limit is 10 characters. Often courses titles will be created to give more understanding, or to entice students to take the course.
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  • Aug 27 2015
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    • Michael Clark commented
      September 07, 2017 13:45

      It appears that the transcript allows for 15 characters, which means our course Trigonometry & Analysis appears by default as "Trigonometry &". With only 10 characters in the abbreviation, we had to shorten it to "Trig&Anlys". It would be helpful to make the abbreviation 15 characters like the rest of the transcript courses, so we could do something like "Trig & Analysis"

    • Guest commented
      February 01, 2017 19:51

      We would love at least 15 characters.  Some of our courses have very long "official" titles, but 10 characters is not enough to give an accurate description of the course on our transcripts.  If the transcript doesn't make it clear what course the student is taking, it's kind of useless.

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