EAP Calendar Bring the .ics file back to Calendar

It appears that the new EAP calendar no longer as the .ics static export option. I am requesting that you bring back the .ics file option. Also, I feel that it would be much clearer if there was an actual text box to copy the URL from and a button to Export the Calendar.
  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Attach files
  • Alex Orlebeke commented
    July 29, 2019 20:00

    I understand the reason for not wanting to have an .ics export because the information becomes out of date.  However, we have a unique situation where our Exchange email environment is not allowing webcal URLs to be pulled.  This appears to be an issue on our end that we haven't been able to resolve as of yet.

    In the meantime, however, we need a way to export these events.  This KB article (https://kb.blackbaud.com/articles/Article/109048) explains how to change webcal:// URL header to http:// to get the desired .ics file, but in some certain cases we only need a subset of that data.  By default, it only exports the current date through to the last date with an event.  It would really helpful to be able to select a date range here.

    Again, I understand why you don't want to do this, but we should still be able to do this.

  • Sondra Berry commented
    October 20, 2015 13:07


    We also need the ability to use custom (past) dates and export them via .ics files. We use them creating and setting dates for the new school years. Here are the instructions I previously used so that I could print out large Outlook calendars to give you an idea of how/why we use it.

    For past dates (because iCal only does current and future),
    1) go to the website calendar and create a custom calendar; filter as needed; set custom dates for the previous school year, (eg: July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015).
    2) Click the green "feeds" button.
    3) Click "Export to vCal" and save where you can find it (Calendar & Events folder)
    4) Open Microsoft Outlook and Import the file.
    5) Show only the new calendar
    6) Print - go into all the dialog buttons and adjust.

    You may ask why I don't have a live feed going into Outlook as a solution to not being able to enter custom dates any more. Our school now uses Google Calendar and has shut down the Outlook server. I HATE the way Google calendars print and prefer Outlook.


  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    September 24, 2015 18:42

    Hi Jason,

    We have plans to make the feed URL easier to copy.  We don't have plans to bring back the static export because it becomes out of date.  What is the situation where you rely on the static export?

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