School Forms EAP
I have some suggestions and found some issues with School Forms and reporting them
1. Preview mode: lots of error messages
Parent view:
2. Please remove Files from the top of the screen
3. maybe add the class year or current grade to the student name
4. the form type ’bank form’ looks strange. Maybe call it survey or questionnaire or something else, I don’t know. Or remove the form type from this display – does it really serve a purpose?
The current grade and grad year did not display on the form. Sam is not a real student, so maybe that’s the reason – I’ll see how this works with a real student
6. Oh, oh, the errors show up on a live form
7. But I was able to submit the form anyway. Though that means error checking is wonky.
8. Also, since I chose Other in the drop-down list, shouldn’t I be required to write something in the text box?
9. What’s the point of the confirmation tab? I guess if I want to write some post-submission instructions, but can I hide it?
these were issues with the very early stages of school forms - most have been addressed - please close this 'idea'