Potential Duplicates usability enhancement requests

I would like a complete overhaul of the Potential Duplicate Users feature in Core. I want to be able to manually flag users that are not recognized as duplicates in the system. I would like to be able to choose which fields are overwritten when merging duplicates as the system isn't 'smart' enough to know which data I want to keep. I would like the potential duplicate users to be found based on things such as 'Name' and 'Role' and not based on 'address' and 'phone number.'
  • Lily Thompson
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Attach files
  • Robbie McConnell commented
    December 04, 2018 13:54

    When a current parent with a current login is applying for a new child, why on earth would the system pull up all "William or Will" Smith as potential siblings when the parent put in an application through their login and portal?  This causes me to have to go through every Will or William Smith account to see which is the correct one to tie to the sibling.  Sometimes I'm not able to uncheck the incorrect one and have to go back and untie from the parent after the fact.  This is just ridiculous!  This should be automatic!

  • Alexander Taft commented
    September 17, 2018 16:04

    Update? Should these requests be merged into a single idea?

  • Linda Lawrence commented
    August 31, 2017 17:44


  • Elaine Montgomery commented
    August 31, 2017 14:27

    YES! This would be amazing. Thank you.

  • Gregg commented
    April 29, 2016 20:31

    I'd like to see more fields reviewed in determining duplicate users.  For example if a father and son have the same name, but different living status (married/single) or different dates of birth, then they should be eliminated as potential duplicates.  As our student are coming in at ages 12 to 14 it is extremely unlikely that they are married, divorced or widowed.  Likewise it is impossible for a parent of a 12 to 14 year old to be of age 12 to 14 themselves.

  • Jen Luty commented
    December 03, 2015 19:00

    I would also like to be able to search for a specific duplicate user that I am looking for.  Organizing them chronologically is only helpful if I'm looking for someone from the past week.

  • +1