When using onBoard Enrollment honor future date and make incoming student rather than student role

I noticed when enrolling a student via onBoard using Enroll/Inactivate Candidates and use a future enroll date, the candidate is put in the student role. I would prefer to see them put in the incoming student role until the future date arrives.
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  • Aug 27 2015
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  • Kristofer Thurston commented
    July 16, 2019 18:01

    Dear God This!!!!!!!


    We have rolling admissions, so we're enrolling students through October sometimes, and there are always a bunch at semester.

    Because they go to current student instead of incoming student, when a student enrolls but doesn't start right away, they still show up for attendance if they're scheduled, which is a detriment to the student's records.

    It also throws off my summer reporting because new enrollees get mixed in with returning students during the period before school starts. 

  • +1