Send Notifications
I'm trying to change the settings so that the default is NOT to Send
Notifications every time the athletic director updates a game schedule. Is
that possible? I know that he can de-select the green button, but he has
trouble remembering to do that. Also, I thought that only the parents
associated with a particular sports would get those notifications, but
that's not how it's working. So, for example, when changes were made to
the football schedule and cross country schedule, the parents of volleyball
players received those, too. Can you help?
Could there be an athletic setting that the Athletics Groups Manager could manage for the "send notification" default value for games? The send notification defaults no for game add; and it defaults to yes for game edit.
Given the implications of send notification = no on game add (no reminders will be sent for the game and no way to list/report that impact or change it after the fact), it would be great to have the control to set a setting to have it turned on by default.