Have Year Of Graduation (YOG) always appear next to alumni and student names, even in "relationship" screens


Save time, clicks, steps and frustration.  

When seeing Relationships on an alumni or parent Contact Card in Core, we would like to see the year of graduation (YOG) for any person who is related and is a current student or graduate. 

For example, all the alumni children of any parents are listed under Relationships, but each child's YOG does not appear - you have to click each child to see that. Same with alumni contact cards: for any relatives listed, you don't know who are alumni/students. Having the YOG would really help and be much more efficient. 

For example: When I view C Kellogg '49; I see his relative P Kellog but no '59 (YOG) next to P's name. Same with Joe Brewer (parent) - I don't see the YOG for his children, two alumni and one current student.

  • Guest
  • Sep 2 2015
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  • Nancy Stutsman commented
    13 Nov, 2019 04:37pm

    This would be helpful for Admissions personnel as well, so they can tell at a glance if a parent of candidate has a past relationship with the school.