Add Custom Fields to Profile Relationship Access

I would like for Custom Fields to be added as a part of Profile Relationship Access. Currently, you can only allow other roles to see custom fields through Profile Publish Access, however this makes these fields available to all users with that role (ie., Gives all Parents access to All Student Custom Fields). I would like to be able to all the student's own parents to see these fields but not all parents.
  • Guest
  • Sep 3 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    26 Oct, 2022 04:39pm

    All our PS-8th grade students have vulnerable login credentials. If needed at home, it would make Blackbaud so valuable to families if they could simply log in and look them up. As it stands, they can't, requiring work arounds we thought this platform would eliminate!

  • Lorrie Neuharth commented
    4 Oct, 2022 12:10pm

    The custom fields should be editable by paretns for their children. It doesn't make sense they can't view and edit custom pieces we 'push' out in custom fields.

  • Claire Broadway commented
    3 Dec, 2019 08:42pm

    We would also very much like to have this option available so we can share some confidential information in these fields while controlling exactly who can see them. Please consider adding this feature.

  • +1