Allow "Optional" for School Forms
In School Forms, we’d like the forms to be Optional - where the recipient can click a button (ex: No Thank You) - to indicate we do not want to fill out the form - and then we no longer see the "Forms to Review" banner across the top, and the school is notified they do not want to fill out the form.
Can you also add a feature to allow to turn the banner off completely per form?
It would be a huge help if we had an option per form to either turn the banner on or turn the banner off.
Yes - Yes! I am struggling with a work around for this right now. It needs to be similar to an inquiry form where a parent can go to a resource board tile or external webpage for an activity or school service and complete a form to "register". For instance our afterschool program. They may start attending in August on day one or in November, after sports is over. I don't want to assign this form to everyone and have due dates but I want it available to everyone to enroll in it when and only if they need to. If you assign the form to everyone, they don't read what they are signing up for and its a bookkeeping nightmare.
Please take action on this issue before we need to issue forms this summer.
It's almost 2019 and it appears that this has been a request for over three years. It is time for this to be an option. I hope you will now truly consider this and allow "optional" school forms.
This would be a huge help!
Yes! Student Driver Forms are a hassle because there's no way to opt out. Magnus Health has this option and implements it quite well. The intial question is customizable. So for the Student Drive Form, we would ask "Will <Student Name> be driving to school at the start of school this year?". That lets the parent know why the form is important and to make a quick decision on whether or not it applies to them.
Student Driver Forms, Aftercare signup, etc. are perfect examples of why this is needed. Only a very small number of our constituents would fill it out and we do not want to spam the whole student body with forms potentially unrelated to them.
Yes, please! We have forms that need to be available all year so they can be filled out as needed. We don't know who will need them or when and don't want to assign them to everyone because they'll become immune to the yellow banner, which will likely cause them to miss important forms.
It would be great if the school could determine if the form is one that is "optional". For instance, some forms like medical, emergency contacts, etc... are required, so we wouldn't want parents to have the option to say "no thanks", but on forms like for t-shirt sales and such that would be a great option.
Great idea!! This is very much needed. We have forms that we send out to the entire school but that they only need to fill out if they are interested in participating for example. Its frustrating that those parents who are not interested always see the banner until the form is marked inactive.