Allow Role Creation OR Ensure that Cloned Roles give all the same access as the original role

We have found that we need specific role types that are not created within the existing Core roles. When we try to clone certain roles that might have similar tasks and access levels -- and try to customize the access and tasks available in our new cloned roles--we are unable to customize the role as we need to. The cloned roles do not automatically seem to carry all the tasks and access that the original role has.

Ideally, we would like to be able to create custom roles choosing from the full spectrum of tasks available.

  • Lily Thompson
  • Sep 8 2015
  • Attach files
  • Scott Blair commented
    December 03, 2019 16:05

    There has to be more granularity when it comes to security rights for Core Roles. For example, the Attendance Manager Role includes the ability to view, edit, and delete a student's test scores. When I clone the role to try and 'water' it down, I can remove the ability to view test scores but then Attendance Managers cannot do other necessary functions. I could provide numerous other examples but I hope this one makes my point. Education Edge was very granular when it came to roles/rights and it was much clearer.

  • Justin Medved commented
    November 30, 2016 16:15

    Essential feature

  • Guest commented
    October 20, 2015 13:41

    A support person told me that the logic behind this is "If you wanted the same level of access, you would have just given the user the ORIGINAL role instead of making a new one." I think that logic is pretty silly. What is the point of cloning a role if not to create a SIMILAR role with just a few differences? Cloning a role is basically just creating a new role with no privileges. Surely that seems odd to the design team?