Can a report be made to gather data from Profiles>Publish to Directories
I manage our online and print directories. It would be helpful if I could run a report that would capture the information regarding privacy wishes of parents for viewing their contact data. At this point, I rely on the physical mail for parents to communicate their wishes.
It is not practical to open up each Current Parent Profile>Publish to Directories in order to take note of their preferences to be reflected in the printed Community Directory.
I would like to be able to run a report that would match parents and the fields they have selected under Publish to Directories.
Good news! With the March 7th monthly release we have added a column and a filter to the User List under Core to show the "Include my name..." settings for each user. This should give you a list of users who wish to have only their name published, or to exclude their name entirely from the directory. We have more work to do to get this down to the field level. Thanks for working with us through the idea forum!
We need a better way to track users who have edited the default privacy settings. At the moment, the "Include my name but do not include any other information about me" DOES NOT WORK which means there is absolutely no way to tracked users who have changed their settings via "include my name and specific information".
We DEFINITELY want this, too. In our old system we could easily query/run lists on people who wanted their email address hidden, people who wanted their home phone hidden, people who wanted their street address hidden, etc. Now, we have to just know these things and go to individual contact cards to verify. Can't believe onSuite doesn't have this feature.
You may wonder why this matters, if we can be sure that the right info is hidden from the right people online, but we still generate a paper directory using the Student Parent Directory report. That report does not appear to be sensitive to these publish preferences that the parents have established.
With Online Campus Community I was able to query on privacy settings - not having this functionality with the onSuite is frustrating. Our workaround was to create an online Directory - impersonate a Parent - Print a copy of the Directory and then manually compare the published fields from the Online Directory to the output fields we had for preparing our Print Directory. With 335 families it was tedious - but not too daunting.